
Give A Little provides Point of Donation (POD) software for charitable organisations, enabling quick and cost-effective acceptance of digital payments.

It's very early days for our developer interface however functionality exposed to 3rd parties is growing and if there are specific things you are wanting to achieve with your own integrations please do feel free to get in touch with us at

Service URLs

Depending on what you are doing you will interact with either our website, or our API. Generally, if you are interacting with us programmatically you will connect to the API, if your user needs to visit our site, you will interact with the website.





For Platforms with a custom domain you will use your custom domain as the 'Website' service URL


When testing, use our test system (see Service URLs). You can sign up for an account in test just as you would in production. You will still need to go through verification, but there's no need to upload evidence - just make sure you provide an email address we can contact you on.

Test payments

If you are using Stripe for payment processing, donations made on our test site will automatically be done in test mode. You can find Stripe test card details at

If you are using SumUp you will need to request a test account from SumUp that you can then connect with your test Give A Little account. You can contact SumUp at

Web Donations

To enable you to create your own donation pages and widgets we expose two endpoints, one for retrieving web campaign configuration and another for initiating a web donation.

Retrieve Web Campaign configuration

Retrieving Web Campaign configuration is done via our REST API.

For a campaign to be available through the API it must be a web campaign (i.e. not an app campaign) and also be published. Campaigns can be published in the admin site.

Service: API
URL: /webdonations/campaigns/{campaignId}
Method: GET
Auth required: No

Request parameters:

  • campaignId The ID of the campaign to retrieve the configuration of

campaignId can be found either in the admin console or via a Platform's onboarding flow.

Successful response

Code: 200
Example payload:

  "currency": "GBP",
  "version": 3,
  "charityName": "Example Charity",
  "showCustomAmount": false,
  "allowRecurring": true,
  "heading": "Children's Cancer Trust UK",
  "primaryColour": "#000000",
  "accentColour": "#e70808",
  "background": "",
  "buttonAlignment": "bottom",
  "items": [
      "amount": 3.0
      "amount": 5.0
      "amount": 10.0
  "message": "Helping the next generation fight cancer.",
  "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "type": "webBackground"

Response properties:

  • currency: The ISO currency code this charity accepts donations in
  • version: A number that is incremented when a campaign changes
  • charityName: The name of the charity whose campaign this is
  • showCustomAmount: true if a donor is allowed to donate an amount not specified in items, false otherwise
  • allowRecurring: true if a donor is allowed to set up a monthly recurring donation, false otherwise
  • heading: A heading message to display to donors
  • primaryColour: A hex colour, used as the predominant colour of the campaign
  • accentColour: A hex colour, used as the accent colour of the campaign
  • background: The URL of an image to use as the background of the campaign
  • banner: The URL of an image to use as the banner of the campaign
  • imageSize: A hint as to how to size an image, can be one of 'cover', 'contain' or 'auto'
  • buttonAlignment: A hint as to how to align any buttons, can be one of 'top', 'middle', 'bottom'
  • items: An array of objects defining the donation amounts to offer. This will contain up to 6 amounts.
  • message: A message to display to donors
  • id: A unique identifier for this campaign, this will be the same as used in the request
  • type: One of 'webBasic', 'webBanner' or 'webBackground'. These are templates chosen within Give A Little, the response body may be slightly different for each.

Error responses

  • Code: 404
    Reason: No campaign was found with the provided ID. This could mean the ID is wrong, or that the campaign has not been published.
  • Code: 500
    Reason: There was an internal error in the API.

Initiate a Web Donation

A Web Donation is initiated by redirecting a donor to the Give A Little website along with some parameters describing what the donor is wanting to do.

Service: Website
URL: /{campaignId}/initiate-donation?amount=&recurring=&returnUrl=
Method: GET
Auth required: No

Request parameters:

  • campaignId The ID of the campaign to retrieve the configuration of
  • amount The donation amount a donor has chosen
  • recurring Whether the donor has chosen to give every month
  • returnUrl The URL to return the donor to at the end of the donation flow

Successful response

When successful, this call will redirect the donor to the payment form. The flow will continue based on the Web Campaign's configuration until the donor gets to the Thank You page. Here, if included in the original request the donor will have the chance to return to the returnUrl.

Error responses

  • Code: 404
    Reason: No campaign was found with the provided ID. This could mean the ID is wrong, or that the campaign has not been published.
  • Code: 500
    Reason: There was an internal error in the API.


If you have a website where you would like to host a full donation flow on behalf of your users you can register with us as a platform. As a platform you are able to set up a quick onboarding flow, enabling your users to link their Give A Little account with your service and automatically publish a template web campaign.


  • Initiate a registration flow to link your users with Give A Little and publish a campaign
  • Host campaign pages on your own URL, e.g. https://giving.{yourdomain} (requires CNAME setup)
  • Receive reporting on donations made to your users

Get started

To get started with this, please get in touch with us at

Event Hooks [BETA]

Event hooks are a way for you to receive events when things happen within Give A Little that you might be interested in.

Getting started

While we are building this functionality the setup for an event hook is hidden. When you would like a hook added please get in touch with as at

Receiving events

To begin receiving events you will need a target configured, e.g.

We currently support sending events over https or SFTP. If you'd like another protocol added, let us know!


We recommend including the API version in your target's path to help with migrating to new versions when they are available. You'll note above the example https target's URL is, where '2022-11-22' is the API version it is expecting.


To configure an https target you will need to provide an endpoint that accepts a POST and returns a 2XX response code when a request has been successful.

Each request to this endpoint will include a header, GiveALittle-Signature, containing a timestamp and HMAC-SHA512 signature. We will provide you with a shared secret that can be used to verify these signatures. The header value will look something like:


In this line, t= denotes the timestamp in seconds since the epoch. v1= denotes the signature.

To verify this signature you will need to generate the HMAC-SHA512 hash of the timestamp and the event data concatenated together, e.g. {timestamp}.{event} using the shared secret we provide you. This data should be combined exactly as received to ensure that the calculated signature matches the provided signature.

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;

String payload = String.format("%d.%s", timestamp, data);

String signature = Hashing
  .putString(payload, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)


To configure an SFTP target you will need to provide a URL pointing at your SFTP server, including credentials and the path you want the event files stored at, e.g. s You will also need to provide an RSA public key we can use to encrypt data we will store on your SFTP server. You can generate a public/private key pair using ssh-keygen:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Events will be stored in encrypted files formatted as {eventId}.json.pgp. Decrypt these using your private key to get the event data.

// Load private key
byte[] keyBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(key);

X509EncodedKeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes);
KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
PrivateKey privateKey = kf.generatePrivate(spec);

Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding");
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privateKey);
byte[] decryptedBytes = cipher.doFinal(encrypted);

Order of events

We attempt to send events in the order that they happened. This is not always possible, for example if there is an error sending an event it will be retried but another event may occur and be successfully sent in the meantime.


All events will have a type and a timestamp. The type tells you what event you've received and the timestamp when the event was dispatched.


This is sent when a donor adds their email address.

  "type": "email-address-added",
  "timestamp": "2022-12-05T00:02:28.779440Z",
  "donor": {
    "id": "d917a5fa-ac22-4d7a-8880-ca8438b9cddc",
    "emailAddress": ""
} The unique identifier of the donor
donor.emailAddress: The email address of the donor


This is sent when a donor gives marketing consent.

  "type": "marketing-consent-given",
  "timestamp": "2022-12-05T00:02:28.779440Z",
  "donor": {
    "id": "d917a5fa-ac22-4d7a-8880-ca8438b9cddc"
  "email": true,
  "phone": false,
  "post": false
} The unique identifier of the donor
email: Whether consent was given for email contact
phone: Whether consent was given for phone contact
post: Whether consent was given for postal contact


This is sent when a donor revokes marketing consent.

  "type": "marketing-consent-revoked",
  "timestamp": "2022-12-05T00:02:28.779440Z",
  "donor": {
    "id": "d917a5fa-ac22-4d7a-8880-ca8438b9cddc"
} The unique identifier of the donor


This is sent when a donor adds their phone number.

  "type": "phone-number-added",
  "timestamp": "2022-12-05T00:02:28.779440Z",
  "donor": {
    "id": "d917a5fa-ac22-4d7a-8880-ca8438b9cddc",
    "phoneNumber": "02212345678"
} The unique identifier of the donor
donor.phoneNumber: The phone number of the donor


This is sent when a donor joins a tax scheme, for example Gift Aid.

  "type": "tax-scheme-joined",
  "timestamp": "2022-12-05T00:02:28.779440Z",
  "donor": {
    "id": "d917a5fa-ac22-4d7a-8880-ca8438b9cddc",
    "firstName": "T",
    "lastName": "Hawkins",
    "address": {
      "line1": "1 Phipp St",
      "postcode": "EC2A 4DS"
  "declaration": {
    "createdAt": "2022-12-05T00:01:12.012320Z",
    "type": "GIFT_AID",
    "text": "I would like to ...",
    "applyToPast": true,
    "applyToFuture": true
} The unique identifier of the donor who made this declaration
donor.firstName: The donor's first name
donor.lastName: The donor's last name
donor.address.line1: The first line of the donor's address
donor.address.postcode: The postcode of the donor's address
declaration.createdAt: When the declaration was made
declaration.type: The type of declaration, this will be consistent with the tax scheme in the country you operate in
declaration.text: The text of the declaration
declaration.applyToPast: Whether or not this declaration can be applied to historic donations this donor made
declaration.applyToFuture: Whether or not this declaration can be automatically applied to any future donations this donor makes


This is sent when a donor leaves a tax scheme.

  "type": "tax-scheme-left",
  "timestamp": "2022-12-05T00:02:28.779440Z",
  "donor": {
    "id": "d917a5fa-ac22-4d7a-8880-ca8438b9cddc"
} The unique identifier of the donor


This is sent when a donation payment has been made and verified.

  "type": "transaction-created",
  "timestamp": "2022-12-05T00:02:28.779440Z",
  "transaction": {
    "id": "150ba915-a845-488f-b999-67312efbbe13",
    "amount": 2.0,
    "timestamp": "2022-12-05T00:02:24Z"
  "donor": {
    "id": "d917a5fa-ac22-4d7a-8880-ca8438b9cddc"
  "campaign": {
    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
    "name": "Web Basic"
} The unique identifier of the transaction
transaction.amount: The total amount of the transaction
transaction.timestamp: The time the transaction was made, this will be different to the timestamp of the event The unique identifier of the donor who made this transaction The unique identifier of the campaign this transaction was made to The name of the campaign this transaction was made to


This is sent when a donor record is merged with another donor record. Records may be merged when an anonymous donor adds an email address that matches another email address in the system.

  "type": "donors-merged",
  "timestamp": "2022-12-05T00:02:28.779440Z",
  "donorId": "d917a5fa-ac22-4d7a-8880-ca8438b9cddc",
  "mergedId": "a9799e3e-d693-4bd2-92fd-b5b6ed3bf492"

donorId: The unique identifier of the primary donor record that was matched with another record
mergedId: The unique identifier of the donor record that was merged into the primary donor record